Please Note: The house flag and word mark 'P&O' are Trade Marks of the DP World Company
The P&O Paintings of David Bray
Salsette - Bombay Mail
David's Art
David's Biography
David Bray has had an interest in art and painting from childhood, mind you, he readily admits to being a bit of a one-trick pony!
David has worked in watercolour, oils, and, more recently, acrylics. He enjoys the challenge of painting a life-like sea and sky.
His main subjects are marine. David has always had an “eye” for a ship or a boat, and enjoys nothing more than drawing or painting an attractive craft.
He enjoys the challenge of “getting it right”, particularly in the shipboard details.
Born in the Norfolk town of Great Yarmouth, David Bray went to sea in 1965, joining Ellerman Lines as Deck Cadet. Gaining his Second Mate’s
Certificate in 1969, he sailed in a variety of cargo and passenger vessels until 1972 when he joined the British Antarctic Survey, serving three years in
the RRS “John Biscoe”.
Gaining his Masters’ (Foreign Going) Certificate in 1976, he sailed in Ro-Ro ferries, tankers and a variety of Offshore Support Vessels.
A particular interest has been square-rigged sailing vessels. He has served upon the Nautical Institute Sailing Ship committee, and was instrumental in
setting up a training and examination scheme for ships’ officers intending to serve in square-rigged sailing vessels, of which there is an increasing
Elected Fellow of the Nautical Institute in 1990, David is the author of a number of definitive textbooks on the subject of DP - Dynamic Positioning,
and has served on the Nautical Institute Dynamic Positioning Validating committee for many years, responsible for the approval of training
establishments around the world and the maintenance of training standards.
Now retired from nautical education, he is currently in demand as a cruise ship lecturer, his primary subject being maritime history. He has been
engaged as guest speaker in a variety of cruise ships, including those of Cunard, P&O, Saga, Fred. Olsen cruises, and on board “Discovery”. His
specialist areas include the 19th and 20th century history and development of merchant shipping, and the marine history of the two World Wars.
Contact David
This web page dated: 10th August 2021